Todd recently turned 18. Todd stopped going to church at the age of 12 when his parents quit making him attend. His senior year in high school has been very difficult. He has struggled to make good grades. Now Todd’s parents are going through a nasty divorce. And just this week, his girlfriend Libby, told him that she was breaking up with him. His whole life is crumbling around him and he feels that no one cares. Todd wonders if life is worth living and has considered suicide. Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death of adolescents and teenagers according to the National Institute for Mental Health.

21 Praise be to the Lord, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city. 22 In my alarm I said, “I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help. 23 Love the Lord, all his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full. 24 Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:21–24

Ask God to show His wonderful love to Todd and all the teenagers in Bartow county who are contemplating suicide.  Pray for Todd’s parents and all those like them who are struggling with divorce and all of its many consequences. Pray that God’s Holy Spirit will show God’s mercy to Todd and his parents as well as all those in our county and world whom they represent.  Pray for the other 6,500 teens ages 15-19 who call Bartow county home. During your prayer time, ask God to awaken churches and the adults in them to become aware of and interested in the needs and cries for help which Todd and other youth are making each and everyday.

If you know a teenager whose parents are divorcing don’t just ask them how they are doing, take them for a hike, watch them play in their sport or school play and then take them to eat afterward.  Let them know that you care for them and that while they may not realize it you are there for them.  Show them Christ’s love don’t just tell them about it.  You will be surprised how quickly your concern and care will bring positive results to their life.