Current estimates are that more than 8 million Muslims currently reside in the United States.  These numbers will only continue to increase due to immigration, increased birth rate, and a high conversion rate.  Approximately 200,000 Americans convert to Islam each year. The fact that Islam is growing within our own nation and our own Baptist churches have plateaued, should cause each of us at least a moment of pause, or perhaps drive us to our knees in confession and repentance.

The two largest groups who convert to Islam are African Americans and Caucasian women.  Growing numbers of Latino Americans are also embracing Islam. Currently there are 749 Mosques in United States 10 of which are located in Metro Atlanta.

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” John 14:6

Pray that God will awaken those who are considering to Islam see Jesus as the only true way to God. Pray for the salvation of those who are Muslim. If you know someone who is a Muslim invite befriend them them and share Jesus with them.  According to the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention one good way to begin is by asking a Muslim friend to tea, because Muslims are known for their love of tea.