Recently I read a story that illustrates very effectively the urgency of each Christian’s task in sharing their faith.  The story is told of an apprentice demon, soon to be sent to earth on his first mission, who is preparing for a last-minute strategy session with his master.  The young demon is a fast learner.  He has realized that the unbelieving world is already in his master’s power and that it would be a poor use of his time and resources to focus his schemes on the lost.  Rather, his strategy is to focus on neutralizing Christians in their evangelistic work.  “They could do the most harm” he reasons, “so I must keep them from the destructive work, modeled so well by Paul 2,000 years ago, of ‘opening the eyes of the unbelieving that they might turn to God from Satan.’

to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Acts 26:18 (ESV)

He shudders at the thought of Paul’s success.

The demon then shares his strategy with his master. “I’ll try to convince Christians that there is no such thing as sin,” he says. “Then they will stop sharing the good news. The answer will soon become irrelevant if I eliminate the question.” “This is only a part of my plan,” says Satan, “but it cannot be the focus, for most of our enemies realize the reality of sin. Even those in our power sometimes, in rare moments of clear thinking, realize sin’s destructiveness. You’ll confuse some of the enemy, but not all of them on this.” “Well then, I’ll convince the church that there is no hell, that even if there is sin, there are no eternal consequences.” “Good thinking,” replies Satan. “You will confuse some with this, but still, the prospect of judgment is so ingrained in men, even those in our power, that this will not neutralize the enemy. Most will see through the deception.” The young demon thinks for a moment, and then a look of triumph floods his face. “I’ve got it! I’ll convince them that there is no hurry. They can have their doctrines of sin, heaven, and hell. I’ll just help them rationalize away their lack of conviction on these matters by whispering in their ears, “There is no hurry; don’t inconvenience yourself. Save it for later.’ They are all so prone to be concerned with their own cares and problems anyway, that they will buy right into it.” “You have done well,” says Satan. “You will see great success in neutralizing the enemy with this strategy.”1

Scripture teaches us that:

. . . you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My Witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. Acts 1:8

The holy Spirit will train and support you as you begin to consider the eternal and spiritual condition of those with whom you work and play. The odds are slim that as a Christian you will die from living their life totally for Christ, but wouldn’t it be exciting if you were the first. If martyrdom doesn’t occur, however, there is always the high potential that your friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative could come to know Christ because of your influence.

Each of us should live obediently to Christ and be actively involved in the lives of our friends and neighbors.  By living for Jesus among our friends and family we prepare the soil of their hearts for our Christian witness.  The Church has invested far too much time and energy in programs that look like evangelism and too little time in training Christians to be evangelists as they live their daily lives.

My friend Alan Taylor at First Baptist Woodstock, GA tells me and others that you do not have to have a degree in “fishology” to wet a line.  You only need to have a desire to fish.  As a fellow fisher of men let me encourage you to wet a line, because as Alan also says “if you don’t wet a line you won’t catch no fish.”  Let today be the day when you begin to cast well and often . . . .

1. C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters