In The 12 Essential Skills For Great Preaching 1 Wayne McDill brings the strength of thirty five years of pastoral experience to bear on the task of preparing to deliver sermons from the biblical texts.  Currently serving as a professor of preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, he has also written Evangelism in a Tangled… Read More

If you have always gone to church you could have trouble accepting the truth that you need a spiritual rebirth.  According to Jesus’ teaching everyone “must be born again.” We all need to be twice born.  Once “from above,” or a supernatural rebirth. Christianity at its very core, is about our each having a supernatural… Read More

In Pilgrims in Their Own Land 1 Martin Marty catalogs the history of religion in the United States. Marty traces the pilgrimage of immigrants to American soil while paying close attention to their religious beliefs and practices. After examining each group’s religious beliefs, he then explores the interplay between new beliefs and those that were… Read More

A friend of mine who does research for a living told me of a conversation he recently had with a professional pollster.  The pollster knew that my friend was a Southern Baptist.  He told him that his company had developed a new strategy for checking the margin of error in results which also doubled for… Read More

Today, Wednesday March 28, 2012, is the thirty-third day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” being inhospitable and “put on” hospitality. I know it may be hard for some to believe, but one of the most hospitable places on… Read More