In The 12 Essential Skills For Great Preaching 1 Wayne McDill brings the strength of thirty five years of pastoral experience to bear on the task of preparing to deliver sermons from the biblical texts.  Currently serving as a professor of preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, he has also written Evangelism in a Tangled… Read More

Many people have had great influence on my Christian life.  One person who has had a tremendous impact on my Christian growth I had never met until fairly recently.  The books and writings of Carl George have blessed me for years.  In November of 2008 I had the pleasure of meeting him.  As we talked… Read More

Introduction Imagine walking into the office of a local church and being greeted by a team of Christians who have one obvious and overwhelming goal, to win their nation to Christ.  The strategy for achieving their goal is plainly stated and centrally posted for all to see.  So many Christians have been steeped in the… Read More

Michael Green has said that “most evangelists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in evangelism.”1 Unfortunately, Green’s statement could easily be restated, “Most church growth theorists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in church growth theories.” The discipline of church growth has long… Read More