Today, Tuesday February 28, 2012, is Day 4 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday.  I must “put off”  Temporal values and “put on” eternal values. Temporal values refer to things which are of this world and eternal values refer to things which will be important for us in heaven or the… Read More

Today, Monday February 27, 20112 is Day 3 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday. Today I must “put off” the sin of being unforgiving and I must “put on” forgiveness. Remember our goal is to consider every area of our lives over which Jesus may not have complete control.  We need… Read More

Today, Sunday February 26, 2012, is Day 2 as we continue to prepare our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday.  As we prepare ourselves each day I ask you to consider an area of our lives over which Jesus may not have complete control.  We need… Read More

Today, we begin to prepare our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. On day “1” of our 40 days of preparation for Easter the #1 sin which I must “put off” is the sin of, failing to love God enough! We need to remember what Jesus… Read More

As we begin to prepare our hearts for Easter the question needs to answered why “40” days?  In this post I will attempt to explain the significance of the number “40” in the Scriptures. 40 days of Rain The first instance in which the number “40” occurs in the Bible is during the story of… Read More