Many of the works of E.M. Bounds are still in print today, but three books, one which was among the only two published during his lifetime, have not been reprinted.  Bounds, Satan: His Personality, Power and Overthrow,1 published after his death is one of his books not currently reprinted.  In Satan, Bounds is interested in… Read More

Jesus’ appearances to His disciples following His resurrection, provide us with the greatest window in human history into what our lives will be like after death. Christians should use the days following Easter to remind ourselves about life after death when our bodies are resurrected. While the Gospel accounts were not designed to communicate only… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “Heaven’s Population.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “Heaven’s Beginning Part 2.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “Heaven’s Beginning.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit… Read More