Introduction Emil Brunner was a man of deep conviction with a personal passion for his Lord Jesus Christ. His hair was white, and his manner animated when in 1946 he visited Southern Seminary. With perfect English and a British accent he answered questions from students while pacing the platform and sipping water, as he put… Read More

Many of the works of E.M. Bounds are still in print today, but three books, one which was among the only two published during his lifetime, have not been reprinted.  Bounds, Satan: His Personality, Power and Overthrow,1 published after his death is one of his books not currently reprinted.  In Satan, Bounds is interested in… Read More

In this collection of writings 1 Jonathan Edwards describes the revival he experienced while a pastor in Northampton during the early 1740’s.  As pastor of the church which witnessed this outpouring of God’s Spirit, Edwards’ occupied a unique position from which to observe and comment on this move of God. He attempts to provide both… Read More

Today, Wednesday April 4, 2012, is the fortieth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” anger and “put on”self control. When I speak of putting off anger I do not mean that you and I will never… Read More

Today, Friday March 16, 2012, is the twenty-first day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” lust and “put on” pure desires. The most famous mention of “lust” in Scripture is by Jesus when He said: 27 “You… Read More