Today, Friday March 30, 2012, is the thirtieth-fifth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” lying and “put on” honesty. Have you ever been amused by a child who has yet to realize that you know the truth… Read More

On any given night in Georgia, there are over 23,000 children and adults who are homeless. Almost half of the homeless are under-employed like Homer who has a high school education and was once employed in a nearby factory. His company terminated his employment when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Then he lost… Read More

The unemployment rate in the state of Georgia has reached 10.4%.  This statistic does not  take into account the number of people who are chronically unemployed (unemployed so long that they are no longer looking for work) or under employed (working in a position that does not fully utilize their training or work experience). Almost… Read More