Puritanism, as a Protestant religious movement, has effected and continues to affect evangelical epistemology and practice positively and negatively in many profound ways. Today’s evangelicals would also profit greatly by accepting Puritan influences in other aspects of their faith and action. Puritanism has positively influenced evangelical views of soteriology, biblical authority, scriptural exegesis, pastoral care,… Read More

In the Doctrine of Repentance 1 Thomas Watson goes to great lengths to impress upon his reader the basis of his thesis that both the gravity of sin and the blessings of repentance dictate that all men everywhere repent at once. He presents his arguments, against sin and in favor of repentance, by attempting to… Read More

In Pilgrims in Their Own Land 1 Martin Marty catalogs the history of religion in the United States. Marty traces the pilgrimage of immigrants to American soil while paying close attention to their religious beliefs and practices. After examining each group’s religious beliefs, he then explores the interplay between new beliefs and those that were… Read More