Many of the works of E.M. Bounds are still in print today, but three books, one which was among the only two published during his lifetime, have not been reprinted.  Bounds, Satan: His Personality, Power and Overthrow,1 published after his death is one of his books not currently reprinted.  In Satan, Bounds is interested in… Read More

After his conversion at age twenty-nine, Charles Grandison Finney brought his legal training and his own theological views to bear on the landscape of American Protestantism. In Lectures on Revival, 1 he advocates the lessons he learned during a decade spent conducting revivals during America’s Second Great Awakening. The openness and candidness of these lectures… Read More

In A Passion for Soul, Lyle Dorsett 1 combines an artful writing style and exhaustive research with a genuine admiration of his subject to create an inspiring and informative historical biography of Dwight L. Moody. Dorsett shows how growing up fatherless and poor molded Moody, giving him an early desire to succeed in business and… Read More

In this collection of sermons, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the theme of revival from his prestigious Westminster pulpit. 1 For more than twenty-five years D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones served as minister to the Westminster Chapel in London. Prior to his ministry in London he left a profitable medical practice to serve in a poor Welsh mining… Read More

In the Doctrine of Repentance 1 Thomas Watson goes to great lengths to impress upon his reader the basis of his thesis that both the gravity of sin and the blessings of repentance dictate that all men everywhere repent at once. He presents his arguments, against sin and in favor of repentance, by attempting to… Read More