Today, Tuesday February 28, 2012, is Day 4 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday.  I must “put off”  Temporal values and “put on” eternal values. Temporal values refer to things which are of this world and eternal values refer to things which will be important for us in heaven or the… Read More

There are only 84 congregations in all religions in Bartow. To adequately serve our county we need to start a minimum of 516 churches.  This is number for needed new congregations is based on a ratio of 100 members per new church.  If these churches were started by traditional means, by purchasing land and constructing… Read More

Many of us who wish to help the people of Haiti will never be physically able to go to their island nation and lend a hand.  There is a way now, however, for you to help feed a family in Haiti for one week for around $40.  It is called “Buckets of Hope.” I am… Read More

I did not write today’s devotion.  It was written by one of the deacons in my church who is also a Sunday school teacher.  He wrote this in response to a lesson he had taught to his Sunday school class.  I hope you are blessed by it as much as I was. After reading his… Read More

The unemployment rate in the state of Georgia has reached 10.4%.  This statistic does not  take into account the number of people who are chronically unemployed (unemployed so long that they are no longer looking for work) or under employed (working in a position that does not fully utilize their training or work experience). Almost… Read More