We have an enemy and he is Satan. Peter warns us to

“Be on the alert be on watch your enemy the devil roams around the world seeking whom he may devour and resist him because you know that other believers in all the world are going through this same kind of suffering.”

Do you think we are not suffering like the rest of the world?  When you have the opportunity Google “voice of the martyrs” and you will discover that there is a great persecution in Africa right now. Muslims killing Christians and yet there is still revival occurring.  Two thirds of the converts are martyred and yet they still come. We have no good excuse to live as we do.

1 Peter continues,

“But after you have suffered a little while the God of grace because you can share his eternal glory in union with Christ will himself protect you.”

Finally, I want to direct your attention to Job.  In Job chapter 1 we discover Satan’s job description.

“One day the Angels came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan also came with them. The Lord said to Satan where have you come from Satan answered the from roaming through the Earth and going back and forth in it.”

You may not realize that you are the object of Satan’s wrath. You may think that you are just living your own life to please yourself, but if you are a Christian that is not the fact.  If you are God’s child Satan has a bull’s-eye on you and he will do everything in his power (and although it is not omnipotent power it is still a great power) to cause you to sin, to cause you to become frustrated, to cause you to simply grow weary and stop living your life for Christ. Are you letting him win?

There is a song that we sometimes sing in which is the line “though none go with me, still I will follow.” If you are not a Christian, Satan will blind you to your need for salvation. He will cause you to think that this is not an urgent decision, that you can wait for a more convenient time. The Bible is very clear on this point. Today is the day of salvation, never does it say tomorrow. It is always today, now! The only time over which you and I have any control is the present. The past is gone, and in the future we don’t know if we will be around. The present is where we live. If you don’t know Christ as your Savior today is the day of salvation.