I believe that many Christians in America are uninformed concerning the very real persecution of the church worldwide. Our ignorance prevents us from praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters and blinds us to the ever present threat which Christians in America may soon face if cultural trends do not begin to change in America.

In an effort to help educate myself and others of the persecution of Christianity around the world I am going to post video clips from the Voice of the Martyrs organization periodically to give you an opportunity to stay informed, and a reminder to pray for the persecuted church around the world. One day we may be praying these prayers for our own churches.

Now please view this video clip and hear the heart of one of the Christian workers who is in Colombia as he discusses why he seeks to reach FARC Guerillas with the gospel.

God is moving, view this video clip and learn of the seven Christians whom God has sent to join the evangelization efforts of reaching the FARC in Colombia.

If you would like to assist the evangelism efforts for spreading the gospel to Marxist FARC guerrillas in the nation of Colombia, then join one of VOM’s partners in Colombia, a pilot named Russell. VOM has helped Russell purchase an airplane, and today that plane flies over FARC-controlled areas of Colombia drops small packages attached to parachutes. The packages, which float down into FARC camps and villages, contain Christian books (including Bibles) as well as a solar-powered Galcom radio pre-tuned to a Christian station. Before the parachutes are dropped, the radio is turned on so that even if the parachute catches in a tree, someone will hear the radio and climb up to retrieve it.

You can make parachutes to help in this important ministry. More than 62,000 parachutes have already been delivered. Each parachute provides a critical opportunity to present the gospel. You can also order parachute packs that contain everything you need to build your own parachutes! To order a pack of parachute supplies or to get more information, including patterns for making your own parachutes, go to the “Get Involved” section of the Voice of the Martyrs website.

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