Often when I encourage Christians to share their faith with their friends, family and co-workers I am told: “If only I knew how, I would.” A Christian shares their faith in Christ in precisely the same manner that they tell their friends or family members about any other good news which they have discovered.

Peter and John give Christians all the training we need to share our faith in the following verse.

. . . for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard. Acts 4:20 (ESV)

We share our faith by simply telling others what we have seen Jesus do in our own life and what we have heard from Him as we read His word and pray.

Unfortunately when we are not seeing Jesus do anything in our life then we have little if anything to share. If we are not spending time reading His word or praying then we are unable to hear anything worth sharing.

That we share is imperative if we truly are His disciples.

32 “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. 33 “But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven. Matthew 10:32–33 (NASB)

Traditionally Christians in the past century have believed that the best way to do this is by going door to door with a big Bible and a pocket full of tracts (evangelistic brochures) and leading all who will agree through the sinners prayer. People who use this confrontational method of evangelism do so because they truly have a passion for Christ and do not wish anyone to go to hell.

The issue of this devotion is not how you share your faith, but that you share your faith in Christ. Many gallons of ink has been spilled among Christians debating whether relational evangelism or confrontational evangelism is best.  My point is that all methods of evangelism are valid, and that all Christians must be intentional about doing evangelism. The two best means of evangelistic training are:

  1. on the job
  2. trial and error

If we really do believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He is the only way to God, then we must share Him with all of those with whom we come into contact.  Failing to share our faith, reveals much about us.

As a Christian I share my faith because I cannot help myself.  It is natural.  The love Christ has given to me bubbles up from within my soul as the rivers of living water which Jesus spoke of, and I simply must share Him with others.

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ ”  John 7:38 (NASB)

When was the last time that as one of Jesus’ disciples you followed the example of Andrew (John 1:40-42) and went to someone who is close to you personally and told him or her “Come, I have found the Christ.”

If you don’t believe me watch the video clip below, and listen to what Penn Gillette of “Penn & Teller,” a professed atheist,  has to say about those who profess to be Christians but choose not to do evangelism (which he calls proselyting).