Mark and Paula, are 41 years old.  They moved into their new home a couple of years ago. They have decided to add on to their home.  Mark and Paula represent about 5 percent of the residents in Bartow county.   They spend much of their time remodeling their home and caring for their lawn and garden.  They also enjoy spending time on the lake, water skiing and boating.

Several of their neighbors have invited them to church, especially when they first moved into their new home, but Mark put off the invitations promising that they would visit after they got settled. As of this writing they never have found time to attend church.  Now, with the expansion project, Mark and Paula spend all weekend working on their home.  There is no time left for them to go to church.

How many people like Mark and Paula do you know?  They are good neighbors, pleasant to speak to, but simply do not see any value in church.  Have you ever wondered why they value church so little?  Could it be because they are lost! Perhaps they had a bad experience in church.  Maybe they have never known a Christian who was an authentic follower of Christ.

Many people like Mark and Paula would be open to attending an in home Bible study.  Why not ask God to give you the vision to find 2 or 3 other couples who live in your neighborhood and begin an in home Bible study in your home.  Ask God to use this group to reach these couples for Christ.

“…And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God.”   Psalm 50:23b

Ask God to help all those like Mark and Paula who do not currently understand the value of a personal relationship with Christ to make time for an encounter from God, and let Him know that you are willing to become an instrument in His hands for this purpose as God’s Spirit  leads.