It is this world system that the apostle Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6:12; Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Spiritual warfare occurs around us all the time… Read More

In Ephesians chapter 6 we read “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” I am not interested in discussing  the rulers or authorities. I have read books that… Read More

There are only 84 congregations in all religions in Bartow. To adequately serve our county we need to start a minimum of 516 churches.  This is number for needed new congregations is based on a ratio of 100 members per new church.  If these churches were started by traditional means, by purchasing land and constructing… Read More

Do you ever wonder why the church today is not as influential as it was in the past?  I do and quite often.  I remember when I was new to ministry some twenty-three years ago it was common knowledge that on any given Sunday 42% of all Americans were in church.  I remember being comforted… Read More

As a Christian I increasingly feel disconnected from my own culture. A brief word of explanation before I continue. The technical terminology E-1, E-2, and E-3 is used to differentiate the cultural distance across which evangelism occurs . E-1 (evangelism one) refers to monocultural evangelism. Both E-2 and E-3 involve cross-cultural evangelism, with E-3 crossing… Read More