Today, Monday March 26, 2012, is the thirty-first day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” hypocrisy and “put on” sincerity. When asked, those who choose routinely not to attend church, always place the hypocrisy of Christians among… Read More

Today, Saturday March 17, 2012, is the twenty-second day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” conformity to the world and “put on” transformation in my life. One of the greatest examples of how conformed the average American… Read More

Michael Green has said that “most evangelists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in evangelism.”1 Unfortunately, Green’s statement could easily be restated, “Most church growth theorists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in church growth theories.” The discipline of church growth has long… Read More

When is Good Friday and Easter Sunday actually? The answer to this question may seem obvious to you, its answer, however, is not as simple as you might assume.  First, the Jewish calendar is very different from our own.  The Jewish day begins at sunset rather than midnight. In Genesis we read: And there was… Read More

There are only 84 congregations in all religions in Bartow. To adequately serve our county we need to start a minimum of 516 churches.  This is number for needed new congregations is based on a ratio of 100 members per new church.  If these churches were started by traditional means, by purchasing land and constructing… Read More