We all need encouragement. Individuals who come to the aid of someone they see to be in moral distress are encouragers. The great encourager in the New Testament is Barnabas, and the two most notable recipients of his encouragement are Paul and John Mark. Paul (formerly Saul) was an outsider to the church. John Mark… Read More

Have you ever been a disappointment to your family and friends? When it has been made clear to everyone that you are not the man or woman which your parents raised you to be, it is easy to feel shame. It is precisely at such moments, and while dealing with these kinds of circumstances, that… Read More

I have learned that many of the things I once thought I knew were wrong. One of the principles I have misunderstood deals with generosity. I had always thought that I was generous. When I had something someone else needed I was always willing to give. Upon further reflection I have come to understand that… Read More

Today is Easter Sunday. The highest and holiest day in the Christian religion. Without the resurrection of Jesus from the dead Christianity is useless. There have always been those who have denied Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. There is no evidence, however, that any of the disciples, or New Testament witnesses ever wavered concerning the… Read More

Many of us who wish to help the people of Haiti will never be physically able to go to their island nation and lend a hand.  There is a way now, however, for you to help feed a family in Haiti for one week for around $40.  It is called “Buckets of Hope.” I am… Read More