Today, Saturday March 31, 2012, is the thirty-sixth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” showing favoritism and “put on” loving others as yourself. It feels good to be the favorite.  Secretly we may desire to be… Read More

Today, Saturday March 17, 2012, is the twenty-second day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” conformity to the world and “put on” transformation in my life. One of the greatest examples of how conformed the average American… Read More

[powerpress] Our marital status, whether as a couple or single, is God’s concern. Satan has attacked our families with the tool of divorce. Satan’s agenda is to divide and conquer. Many people have suffered the painful agony of being widowed or divorced. Some have remarried; others find themselves single and lonely. Today we will discuss what scripture teaches those who… Read More

[powerpress] As Christians, we need to follow God’s design for our marriages. God is sovereign over all of the universe. He should be sovereign, therefore, in our homes, also. Do you and your spouse live and relate to one another in ways that would please God? Do you understand God’s role for you in your family? Our hearts and homes… Read More

[powerpress] As Christians, we need to follow God’s design for our marriages. God is sovereign over all of the universe. He should be sovereign, therefore, in our homes, also. Do you and your spouse live and relate to one another in ways that would please God? Do you understand God’s role for you in your family? Our hearts and homes… Read More