If you have always gone to church you could have trouble accepting the truth that you need a spiritual rebirth.  According to Jesus’ teaching everyone “must be born again.”

We all need to be twice born.  Once “from above,” or a supernatural rebirth.

Christianity at its very core, is about our each having a supernatural rebirth. This rebirth can only be accomplished through a genuine work of God.  God alone can make it happen. This second birth can only be received by faith, and if God does not make it happen after you receive it by faith then it will never happen. Why? Because you and I do not have the ability within ourselves to make it happen. This makes us feel helpless, but the truth is only God can make it happen. All you can do is throw yourself upon His mercy and cry out for His grace.

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.     John 1:12-13

In Greek, the word translated “right,”is  (εξουσίαν) exousia. It means the right or freedom of choice, authority, and ability or power.  It means all three of those things. You and I have the God given right or freedom to choose to receive Him.  We have His authority to choose to receive Him for ourselves, and He has given us the ability to make the choice to receive Him. God has given us the right, the authority, and the power to become children of God.  He gives this right, authority and power to everyone who will believe in His name.

We are not born into God’s kingdom through any natural process.  Our blood does not qualify us, nor our ancestry, only God can initiate this second birth.  People tell me very often that their parents were great Christians, and they somehow assume that their parents faith passed to them genetically.

Unfortunately this is not the case.  Mom and Dad passed down to you a sinful nature known as depravity. They needed to be born again just as you I need to be born again.  God has to work the miracle of salvation deep within you through His Spirit or it will not happen.

A true spiritual rebirth will not occur through religion. It will only happen through a life changing encounter.  You need to know this because you need to tell others that only a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ can forgive sin.  Not only does He forgive your sins, but a genuine rebirth will alter your nature.  Deep within your spirit God will change your inclination to agree with His will forever. You can still sin, but inside your core you will grieve.  You will feel terrible, because God the Holy Spirit will convict you and condemn your sin.

This second birth is a spiritual birth.

5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.    John 3:5–6 (ESV)

Someone recently asked me what being born of the water meant in this text.  The best answer will fit the context of the passage.  This text is an example of Hebrew thought being translated into Greek.  Hebrew often uses parallelism to expand and complete a thought.  Being born of water is to be understood as the parallel for being born of the flesh.  Being born of water or of the flesh parallels being born of the Spirit.  When our mothers water breaks we are born of water, when we exit her womb we are born of the flesh.

The point of this text is to explain the necessity of our being born of the Spirit.  God the Holy Spirit must be the midwife of our being reborn or we will not be truly born again.  While I have the right to choose, God’s Spirit must also be involved.  Many people have walked an aisle, shook hands with their pastor and joined the church, but were not born again.  If God’s Spirit is not involved your nature will not change and sooner or later you will claim that Christianity did not work for you.  The reason for this is that you tried to be born again by your own will in your own power and God’s Spirit was not involved.

This second birth is a spiritual birth or it becomes only an empty religious ritual that has no saving power.

We all “must” be born again or we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘you must be born again,’    John 3:7

In Greek the word translate “must” is dei.  It means a divine necessity. In other words a spiritual rebirth is a divine necessity.  It is nonnegotiable.  You, me and everyone else who has ever or will ever walk the face of this earth must be born again, there are no exceptions.  Jesus did not say:

  • Nicodemus, it’s important for you to be born again, or
  • Nicodemus it will help you to be born again, or
  • Nicodemus you will achieve your spiritual ambition if you add this component of rebirth to you religion.

He said, Nicodemus You Must Be Born Again!  If you are NOT born again you, the CEO of religion in Jerusalem, will not see the kingdom of God.  This concept is at the very heart of Christianity. There is no substitute. You cannot substitute church for this rebirth.  You cannot substitute your parents relationship with Christ for your own.  You will not get a pass because of your denominations understanding of salvation.  You, each and everyone must be born again!

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