Today, Sun March 18, 2012, is the twenty-third day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” words of trash and “put on” words of treasure. Many Americans have been watching the NCAA basketball tournament over the past several… Read More

Today, Saturday March 17, 2012, is the twenty-second day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” conformity to the world and “put on” transformation in my life. One of the greatest examples of how conformed the average American… Read More

Today, Friday March 16, 2012, is the twenty-first day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” lust and “put on” pure desires. The most famous mention of “lust” in Scripture is by Jesus when He said: 27 “You… Read More

Today, Thursday March 15, 2012, is the twentieth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” forsaking my first love and “put on” fervent devotion. Jesus told the church at Ephesus ; 4 . . . I hold… Read More

Today, Wednesday March 14, 2012, is the nineteenth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” worry and “put on” trust. To quote my cousin Mike: “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace!”… Read More