Today, Thursday March 8, 2012, is the thirteenth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” disobedience and “put on” obedience. As we prepare ourselves each day I ask you to consider an area of your lives over… Read More

Today, Wednesday March 7, 2012, is the twelfth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” rebellion and “put on” brokenness. As a Southern American male the idea of being a rebel elicits feelings of pride in me… Read More

Today, Tuesday March 6, 2012, is the eleventh day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” discontentment and “put on” contentment. One means to help you and I recognize the seriousness with which we must deal with putting… Read More

Today, Monday March 5, 20112, is the tenth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. We are 25 percent through our 40 Days of Preparation.  Today we will discuss why I need to “put off”complaining and “put on” praise. If you’ve ever read… Read More

Today, Sunday March 4, 2012, is the ninth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” complacency and “put on” zeal.  In Isaiah we have a prophecy against ancient Israel which reveals God’s view of complacency. 9 Rise… Read More