Today, Saturday March 3, 2012, is the eighth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” unbelief and “put on” faith.  Unbelief is very dangerous because it limits what God will do in your life.  When Jesus walked… Read More

Today, Friday March 2, 2012, is the seventh day of our preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to accept that if I truly desire to serve Jesus as He demands then I need to “put off” selfishness and “put on” selflessness.… Read More

Today, Thursday March 1, 2012, is Day 6 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday.  Today I must “put off” sin and “put on” holiness. The concepts of sin and holiness are greatly misunderstood by many Christians today, yet, each of us who wish to authentically follow Jesus Christ are called to… Read More

Today, Leap Day Wednesday February 29, 2012, is Day 5 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday.  Today I must “put off” conforming to this world and “put on” transforming my mind. Jesus taught us that the way to heaven was a narrow way and that there would be few who would… Read More

Today, Tuesday February 28, 2012, is Day 4 of preparing our hearts, souls, and minds for Easter Sunday.  I must “put off”  Temporal values and “put on” eternal values. Temporal values refer to things which are of this world and eternal values refer to things which will be important for us in heaven or the… Read More