Over one third of the population of Bartow County are about thirty-seven years old. They are politically conservative married-couples. Half of whom have children and half do not. The median household income of this group is $50,462. They take pride in their homes, lawns, and cars. The problem is that for most God is not… Read More

With numerical growth in our community we will each encounter growing pains, such as traffic congestion, increased pressure on our social services, water and sewage problems, overcrowded schools, etc.  As we add a projected 112,137 people to our county we may have times that we view growth an newcomers as an enemy, but we must… Read More

Today I want to encourage you to pray for all those who have come to reside in Bartow county from other places in Georgia, the other state within the United States and from around the world.  Between 2000 and 2008, the Bartow county has grown by 21,079.  That is a 27.7% increase.  Many of these… Read More

Today we begin a 30-day emphasis called “Pray Now Bartow.”  All over our county Christians will be following a similar prayer guide to pray for those who are spiritually lost in Bartow County.  There will be a Prayer Walk taking place the week of March 21st where we will physically walk neighborhoods with our fellow… Read More

Mark it down on your calendar.  You and I lived to see it. Yesterday, February 12, 2010 there was snow on the ground in all 50 states in the United States of America for the first time in recorded history. This is very significant especially to all those who have been predicting the end of… Read More