Often when I encourage Christians to share their faith with their friends, family and co-workers I am told: “If only I knew how, I would.” A Christian shares their faith in Christ in precisely the same manner that they tell their friends or family members about any other good news which they have discovered. Peter… Read More

Have you ever been amused by a child who has yet to realize that you know the truth about that which they are desperately trying to convince you otherwise. It is precisely on such occasions with my own sons that cause me to understand the curse which heredity can be. Whether they were toddlers, young… Read More

Do you ever wonder why the church today is not as influential as it was in the past?  I do and quite often.  I remember when I was new to ministry some twenty-three years ago it was common knowledge that on any given Sunday 42% of all Americans were in church.  I remember being comforted… Read More

Today, January 6 is the Epiphany (Greek ????????? “manifestation”).  On this date the Christian church celebrates God’s appearing and manifesting Himself to man in the person of Jesus Christ.  On this day, we mark the visitation of the Biblical Magi to the child Jesus. 1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in… Read More

As a Christian I increasingly feel disconnected from my own culture. A brief word of explanation before I continue. The technical terminology E-1, E-2, and E-3 is used to differentiate the cultural distance across which evangelism occurs . E-1 (evangelism one) refers to monocultural evangelism. Both E-2 and E-3 involve cross-cultural evangelism, with E-3 crossing… Read More