In this collection of writings 1 Jonathan Edwards describes the revival he experienced while a pastor in Northampton during the early 1740’s.  As pastor of the church which witnessed this outpouring of God’s Spirit, Edwards’ occupied a unique position from which to observe and comment on this move of God. He attempts to provide both… Read More

Christians sometimes feel as though they do not fit into society.  The news of the day and other peoples opinions of it are often very different from ours.  I am often amazed when I speak to people who are not Christians.  I am often shocked by the attitudes and opinions which they hold.  The reason… Read More

Many people have had great influence on my Christian life.  One person who has had a tremendous impact on my Christian growth I had never met until fairly recently.  The books and writings of Carl George have blessed me for years.  In November of 2008 I had the pleasure of meeting him.  As we talked… Read More

Our only means of knowing God is through His revelation. God reveals Himself to us in two ways, general and special revelation.  Special revelation is progressive (proceeds gradually or in stages).  We see the progressive nature of God’s special revelation in the revelation of His personal name to Moses. 2 God [Elohim] spoke to Moses… Read More

Recently I read a story that illustrates very effectively the urgency of each Christian’s task in sharing their faith.  The story is told of an apprentice demon, soon to be sent to earth on his first mission, who is preparing for a last-minute strategy session with his master.  The young demon is a fast learner.… Read More