Today, Saturday March 3, 2012, is the eighth day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” unbelief and “put on” faith.  Unbelief is very dangerous because it limits what God will do in your life.  When Jesus walked… Read More

The Biblical Foundation for Marriage Biblically, marriage was instituted by God in the garden of Eden.  As such, it is the oldest of human institutions and relationships.  Only one’s relationship to God has precedence to the marital relationship. The first three chapters of Genesis record the origins of the marital relationship between man and woman.… Read More

Nathaniel has a drinking problem. He began drinking years ago when he lost his job and family.  He barely makes it on his government check and help from local food and clothes closet ministries. The trailer in which he lives is in need of repair. Nathaniel drinks to forget about his problems. When he heard… Read More

Mark it down on your calendar.  You and I lived to see it. Yesterday, February 12, 2010 there was snow on the ground in all 50 states in the United States of America for the first time in recorded history. This is very significant especially to all those who have been predicting the end of… Read More

How well do you think you know God?  Do you think it is possible for anyone to know His name?  Is His name God?  It might shock you to know that according to the Scripture we can know His name. 2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord. 3 I… Read More