Have you ever been amused by a child who has yet to realize that you know the truth about that which they are desperately trying to convince you otherwise. It is precisely on such occasions with my own sons that cause me to understand the curse which heredity can be. Whether they were toddlers, young… Read More

I did not write today’s devotion.  It was written by one of the deacons in my church who is also a Sunday school teacher.  He wrote this in response to a lesson he had taught to his Sunday school class.  I hope you are blessed by it as much as I was. After reading his… Read More

The unemployment rate in the state of Georgia has reached 10.4%.  This statistic does not  take into account the number of people who are chronically unemployed (unemployed so long that they are no longer looking for work) or under employed (working in a position that does not fully utilize their training or work experience). Almost… Read More

Leadership brings with it great responsibility. Political scientist’s will debate exactly what message the voters of Massachusetts were sending to leaders in Washington D.C. last night by their groundbreaking election of a Republican for United States Senator, but one cannot deny that a message was delivered. Leaders who do not deliver what they were sent… Read More