How do we do that? In prayer. In prayer you need to bind Satan. Simply say Lord I want to bind Satan from my mind, I want to bind Satan from my heart, I want to bind Satan from my actions, I want to bind Satan from every part of my body and place a hedge of protection around me; and pray that for everybody in your family. Plead the blood of Jesus!

Prayer is something we talk too much about and do too little of. There’s never a time when it is inappropriate to stop and pray.

Now after you bind Satan in prayer you next want to ask God to loose His Spirit. Ask God to loose His Spirit in your life. If you truly want to walk with the Lord you can only do so through the empowerment of His Spirit, because if you try to live for God in your own flesh you will fail every time. When you are trying to serve God in your own flesh you are playing Satan’s game by Satan’s rules. Remember this flesh is fallen.

When I begin to allow God the Spirit to live in me, and I begin to be directed by Him and I begin to allow God’s Spirit to be loosed in my life I am no longer playing this game by Satan’s rules. I am now playing by God’s Word. And I am now an overcomer, a Victor!