11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 1 Corinthians 13;11

When I read this passage I want to ask the apostle Paul, “Tell me, how did you get there? How did you get from thinking and reasoning as a child to thinking and reasoning as a man? How did you know you had become a man? What does it mean to be a man? How does a man act? What does he do? How does a man feel? How does he express emotion? And what does he live for?” This verse doesn’t answer any of these questions.

Apparently, the people to whom Paul was writing understood what being a man meant, but I don’t. Do you? What is the compelling purpose for being a man today? No one seems to know.

I was raised by a man who overemphasized being tough (real men don’t cry), while my mother wanted me to be polite and sensitive to the feelings of others, especially females. I grew up confused and compartmentalized my behavior. When around other men I acted in one manner while around women in another. I believe that this state of confusion contributes to marital strife and makes Christian couples easy marks for Satan’s Modus Operandi of “to divide and conquer” our families.

Understanding your God given gender role is critical for building families that last a lifetime. Whether you are male or female we all need to put away childish things. For Christians spiritual maturity should be our goal.

Pray today for God the Holy Spirit to enable you to put away all those childish things which prevent you from becoming the mature disciple Jesus desires you to be.

One comment on “The Importance of Putting Away Childish Things

  • Hello Warner,

    Can I subscribe to your daily devotionals by e-mail? If so put me on the list!
    I am so insprired by reading your devotionals. You and your family have and will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart! Tell Pam I said hello!

    In Christ!

    Becky Smith
    Cedar Bluff, AL

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