My Dad passed away sometime during the night fifteen years ago today. To say that I would desperately love to see him today is a gross understatement. My dad came to know Christ late in his life.  It is on days like today that I most think about the day I lost him. There are… Read More

Introduction As an evangelist he would not be judged as greatly successful by any worldly means of measuring success. He did not preach to millions, lead a worldwide evangelistic association, or attract a wide following during his lifetime. He constantly lived on the margin of poverty,1 wrote down insights gained in three-hour prayer sessions on… Read More

Walter has lived in Bartow county his entire life.  Over the years he has seen many changes take place in his community. He used to attend church every Sunday until a year or so ago. When asked why he no longer attended church, Walter simply replied “church is not like it used to be.” Almost… Read More

Kathy and her two children Elizabeth and Mason just learned that her husband Troy was killed in an automobile accident. Their grief is almost more than they can bear. They had been looking for a church home, but had not yet found one. Kathy is not even sure if her husband Troy was a Christian.… Read More

We often find ourselves focusing on the wrong thing. We seek the answer to the wrong questions. Such is the case anytime there is a tragedy which we determine to be an “act of God”. When lives are lost needlessly, we have great difficulty coping. The underlying reason for this human dilemma is our own… Read More