Many of the works of E.M. Bounds are still in print today, but three books, one which was among the only two published during his lifetime, have not been reprinted.  Bounds, Satan: His Personality, Power and Overthrow,1 published after his death is one of his books not currently reprinted.  In Satan, Bounds is interested in… Read More

Our only means of knowing God is through His revelation. God reveals Himself to us in two ways, general and special revelation.  Special revelation is progressive (proceeds gradually or in stages).  We see the progressive nature of God’s special revelation in the revelation of His personal name to Moses. 2 God [Elohim] spoke to Moses… Read More

I have learned that many of the things I once thought I knew were wrong. One of the principles I have misunderstood deals with generosity. I had always thought that I was generous. When I had something someone else needed I was always willing to give. Upon further reflection I have come to understand that… Read More

Today, Sunday April 1, 2012, is the thirty-seventh day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” lying and “put on” speaking the truth. You and I live in a society where honesty is in short supply. Today the… Read More

Today, Tuesday March 6, 2012, is the eleventh day of preparing our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. Today I need to “put off” discontentment and “put on” contentment. One means to help you and I recognize the seriousness with which we must deal with putting… Read More