On any given night in Georgia, there are over 23,000 children and adults who are homeless. Almost half of the homeless are under-employed like Homer who has a high school education and was once employed in a nearby factory. His company terminated his employment when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Then he lost… Read More

Kathy and her two children Elizabeth and Mason just learned that her husband Troy was killed in an automobile accident. Their grief is almost more than they can bear. They had been looking for a church home, but had not yet found one. Kathy is not even sure if her husband Troy was a Christian.… Read More

Have you ever been amused by a child who has yet to realize that you know the truth about that which they are desperately trying to convince you otherwise. It is precisely on such occasions with my own sons that cause me to understand the curse which heredity can be. Whether they were toddlers, young… Read More

Leadership brings with it great responsibility. Political scientist’s will debate exactly what message the voters of Massachusetts were sending to leaders in Washington D.C. last night by their groundbreaking election of a Republican for United States Senator, but one cannot deny that a message was delivered. Leaders who do not deliver what they were sent… Read More

We often find ourselves focusing on the wrong thing. We seek the answer to the wrong questions. Such is the case anytime there is a tragedy which we determine to be an “act of God”. When lives are lost needlessly, we have great difficulty coping. The underlying reason for this human dilemma is our own… Read More