I invite you to join me for 40 days of preparation for Easter. One metaphor used in the New Testament to denote repenting of sin is that of “putting on” and “putting off.” For example if after a careful examination of my own life I realize that I am not being obedient to Christ then… Read More

If you believe as do I that Easter should be the highest and holiest of days for Christians, then its celebration should be the grandest of our holidays. If you honestly evaluate current American church culture, however, you have to honestly admit that Christmas and not Easter receives our greatest celebratory effort.  While I do… Read More

Introduction Imagine walking into the office of a local church and being greeted by a team of Christians who have one obvious and overwhelming goal, to win their nation to Christ.  The strategy for achieving their goal is plainly stated and centrally posted for all to see.  So many Christians have been steeped in the… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Hell.” Today’s title is “Hell is a Real Place.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visithttp://warnersmith.org/sermons… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith begins a series on “Hell.” Today’s title is “Hell -Tragedy of Tragedies.” For listening sheets (to go along with the talks) and other audio resources visit http://warnersmith.org/sermons… Read More