[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “Heavenly Bodies and Rewards.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit http://warnersmith.org/sermons… Read More

I believe that many Christians in America are uninformed concerning the very real persecution of the church worldwide. Our ignorance prevents us from praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters and blinds us to the ever present threat which Christians in America may soon face if cultural trends do not begin to change in America.… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith continues a series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “The Ultimate Homecoming Part 2.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit http://warnersmith.org/sermons… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as Dr. Warner Smith begins a new series on “Heaven.” Today’s title is “The Ultimate Homecoming.” For listening sheets (to along with the talks) and other audio resources visit http://warnersmith.org/sermons… Read More

The Biblical Foundation for Marriage Biblically, marriage was instituted by God in the garden of Eden.  As such, it is the oldest of human institutions and relationships.  Only one’s relationship to God has precedence to the marital relationship. The first three chapters of Genesis record the origins of the marital relationship between man and woman.… Read More