The purpose of this article is to clarify some key points of feminist theology as espoused by Mary Daly. Daly is not a Christian theologian, she describes herself as a post-christian radical feminist. Many of her views and presuppositions will be strange to a Christian reader. This article’s purpose is not to explain or defend… Read More

Michael Green has said that “most evangelists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in evangelism.”1 Unfortunately, Green’s statement could easily be restated, “Most church growth theorists are not very interested in theology: most theologians are not very interested in church growth theories.” The discipline of church growth has long… Read More

[powerpress] Join us as we listen to Dr. Warner Smith, on “I AM The True Vine” in a series of talks titled “I AM Sayings of Jesus in John’s Gospel.” For listening sheets and other resources visit… Read More

Emil Brunner defined revelation as presence. He expanded on this theme in his work Truth as Encounter to describe it as “God’s self-giving.”1 More than information is communicated during the encounter. God’s personal presence is transmitted during the actual event. The goal of this revelation is the establishment of a personal relationship with God. This… Read More

Introduction As an evangelist he would not be judged as greatly successful by any worldly means of measuring success. He did not preach to millions, lead a worldwide evangelistic association, or attract a wide following during his lifetime. He constantly lived on the margin of poverty,1 wrote down insights gained in three-hour prayer sessions on… Read More