[powerpress] So far in this series we have learned that the first step inour warfare plan is the realization that we do have anenemy but that it is not one another. We have learnedthat Jesus has and continues to pray for our spiritualprotection and unity. Our unity is critically important forour ability to engage in… Read More

[powerpress] Step one in our warfare plan is to realize that we do have an enemy and that it is not one another. Jesus has and continues to pray for our spiritual protection and unity. Our unity is critically important to our ability to engage in spiritual warfare. In His Model Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray… Read More

[powerpress] In His Model Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray for protection from the evil one. In His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus prayed for us to be protected from the evil one for the purpose of our maintaining unity after the pattern of the Father and the Son. In this High Priestly Prayer Jesus also prayed for spiritual outcomes, as… Read More

[powerpress] I encourage you to begin to serve God through at least one or two ministry areas of First Baptist Church of Emerson. For obedient Christians, refusal to serve is not an option. You need to be serving. You were created by God for service. Continually taking without giving back will make you spiritually sick.… Read More

[powerpress] Too many American families are in crisis – particularly in the church. Too often the problem in Christian homes is the failure of Christian men. Dad, children who are raised in genuine Christian homes will increasingly experience an advantage in society and in their personal relationships over their counterparts who are reared in dysfunctional families. Godly families also bear witness… Read More