Join us for “The Huddle” men’s Bible study today, as we look at the marriage relationship between man and wife. You can subscribe this podcast at [powerpress]… Read More

[powerpress] Marriages that Work. As Christians, we need to follow God’s design for our marriages. Do you and your spouse live and relate to one another in ways that would please God? Do you understand God’s role for you in your family?  Today we will begin to explore the biblical purpose, plan, and practice for marriage.… Read More

If you are a man, you need to hear this. Join us for The Huddle Mancast. This week we are continuing a study in “A Definition of Biblical Manhood.” We meet at Doug’s Restaurant in Emerson on Tuesday mornings at 6:15am. [powerpress]… Read More

[powerpress] Were you to honestly evaluate your life would you say that you are making a mess or leaving your mark? What differentiates a Christian from a non-Christian? What are the marks which define authentic Christianity? A Christian is simply one who has asked God for forgiveness and been forgiven. Many people claim to be Christians, but not all… Read More

Join us as we look at “A Biblical Definition of Manhood” at the “The Huddle” men’s Bible study. You can subscribe to this podcast using this address: [powerpress]… Read More