We often find ourselves focusing on the wrong thing. We seek the answer to the wrong questions. Such is the case anytime there is a tragedy which we determine to be an “act of God”. When lives are lost needlessly, we have great difficulty coping. The underlying reason for this human dilemma is our own… Read More

The following is an update I have received on Haitian Disaster relief efforts by Southern Baptists. Baptist Global Response is hoping to have an 8-member, initial assessment team on the ground today.  They will be working to assess the situation and determine an appropriate plan of response.  That process alone is expected to take 10-14… Read More

As a child, I seldom went to church. Many of my friends did, but I almost never did. For me, Sunday morning was a day to sleep in and be lazy. Today, most Americans seem to be of the same opinion. For too many, rest and relaxation have replaced worship and praise. Do you think… Read More

Do you ever wonder why the church today is not as influential as it was in the past?  I do and quite often.  I remember when I was new to ministry some twenty-three years ago it was common knowledge that on any given Sunday 42% of all Americans were in church.  I remember being comforted… Read More