Happy Valentines Day!  I hope today brings you and your sweetheart great joy.  There is a great deal of misinformation in our society related to marriage, love and sex.  Below is a paper I wrote while working on my Ph. D. at Southern.  I had always thought that the Puritans were sexually repressed and prudish. … Read More

Mark it down on your calendar.  You and I lived to see it. Yesterday, February 12, 2010 there was snow on the ground in all 50 states in the United States of America for the first time in recorded history. This is very significant especially to all those who have been predicting the end of… Read More

Many of us who wish to help the people of Haiti will never be physically able to go to their island nation and lend a hand.  There is a way now, however, for you to help feed a family in Haiti for one week for around $40.  It is called “Buckets of Hope.” I am… Read More

Often when I encourage Christians to share their faith with their friends, family and co-workers I am told: “If only I knew how, I would.” A Christian shares their faith in Christ in precisely the same manner that they tell their friends or family members about any other good news which they have discovered. Peter… Read More

How well do you think you know God?  Do you think it is possible for anyone to know His name?  Is His name God?  It might shock you to know that according to the Scripture we can know His name. 2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord. 3 I… Read More