Tim Emerson’s family represents a typical “Salt of the Earth” lifestyle group. Tim drives his pick-up truck to work, and uses his Harley for pleasure. Susan uses her SUV for grocery shopping and transporting their kids and friends to various activities.  The Emerson’s are reliable and hard-working people. They have two pets, a dog and… Read More

Mark and Paula, are 41 years old.  They moved into their new home a couple of years ago. They have decided to add on to their home.  Mark and Paula represent about 5 percent of the residents in Bartow county.   They spend much of their time remodeling their home and caring for their lawn and… Read More

The Andrews family represent another of the demographic groups which reside in Bartow county. “Young Aspiring Families,” are married couples and single parents with children. They comprise 7 percent of Bartow’s population. The median age of those occupying this group is 30.5 years old. Half of them own their own home, and the other half… Read More

Another demographic group to which a sizable number of Bartow county residents belong is “Home Town Folks.”  Those belonging to this group represent about 8% of our population.   The median age of the “Home Town Folks”  is about 34.  A majority of this demographic group own their own home that is valued about $66,885. “Home… Read More

In Bartow county 1 in 10 residents belong to the demographic grouping called  “Southern Satellites.”  These are individuals like Fred and Sue.  These couples are employed in the manufacturing and service industries with an average income of $39,758.  Their median age is 37.7. They live in single family homes that cost about $91,000 or in… Read More