Herbert, a high-school drop-out, believes that there is a God and prays regularly. Herbert has never accepted Jesus as his personal Savior, but he wants to know more about Him. Recently, Herbert attended a Bible Study at church and was given a Sunday School quarterly and a Bible. He was embarrassed when he was asked… Read More

Jennifer is a single adult.  She lives by herself. She is one of the 6,148 non-family households in Bartow County.  This group is comprised of young singles, but only 1 in 4 are under the age of 35. Another fourth are middle aged like Jenifer who is 46, and the remaining half of those comprising… Read More

Lisa, a second grader, is one of the few children in her class that attend church in Bartow county. There are around 18,000 children in preschool, elementary, and high school in our county. Many of them will never go to church. They will never know the true reason for Christmas or Easter, or hear someone… Read More

Walter has lived in Bartow county his entire life.  Over the years he has seen many changes take place in his community. He used to attend church every Sunday until a year or so ago. When asked why he no longer attended church, Walter simply replied “church is not like it used to be.” Almost… Read More

Sharon was given only a day’s notice that her job was terminated. She is a young single mother of two.  She is now worrying about how she will make her house payment, buy groceries, and all of the other bills she has.  Where will she find another job? The unemployment rate in Bartow County is… Read More