Today, we begin to prepare our hearts, souls and minds for the most high of all Christian holy days, Easter Sunday. On day “1” of our 40 days of preparation for Easter the #1 sin which I must “put off” is the sin of, failing to love God enough! We need to remember what Jesus… Read More

Introduction Imagine walking into the office of a local church and being greeted by a team of Christians who have one obvious and overwhelming goal, to win their nation to Christ.  The strategy for achieving their goal is plainly stated and centrally posted for all to see.  So many Christians have been steeped in the… Read More

I believe that Satan attacks and influences us in our daily lives. I do not believe, however, that there is a demon under every rock or behind every tree. As a matter fact what I believe is very well summarized in the 1974 Lausanne covenant, which was written by a worldwide group of Christians who… Read More

There are only 84 congregations in all religions in Bartow. To adequately serve our county we need to start a minimum of 516 churches.  This is number for needed new congregations is based on a ratio of 100 members per new church.  If these churches were started by traditional means, by purchasing land and constructing… Read More