Current estimates are that more than 8 million Muslims currently reside in the United States.  These numbers will only continue to increase due to immigration, increased birth rate, and a high conversion rate.  Approximately 200,000 Americans convert to Islam each year. The fact that Islam is growing within our own nation and our own Baptist… Read More

Jack will soon be released from prison on probation for dealing drugs. He will join the other 154,197 adults who are currently on probation in Georgia.  Jack, like half of those in prison, was raised by his mother. He never knew his Dad. Jack began selling drugs in order to help his mother purchase the… Read More

Maria recently moved to Bartow county from Miami. Maria’s grandparents escaped to the Unite States from Cuba 50 years ago. They still keep in contact with relatives who live in Cuba about the church planting movement going on there. Since moving to Bartow county, Maria’s family has not attended a church because they were unsure… Read More

On any given night in Georgia, there are over 23,000 children and adults who are homeless. Almost half of the homeless are under-employed like Homer who has a high school education and was once employed in a nearby factory. His company terminated his employment when he was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Then he lost… Read More

Many of us who wish to help the people of Haiti will never be physically able to go to their island nation and lend a hand.  There is a way now, however, for you to help feed a family in Haiti for one week for around $40.  It is called “Buckets of Hope.” I am… Read More