We often find ourselves focusing on the wrong thing. We seek the answer to the wrong questions. Such is the case anytime there is a tragedy which we determine to be an “act of God”. When lives are lost needlessly, we have great difficulty coping. The underlying reason for this human dilemma is our own… Read More

The following is an update I have received on Haitian Disaster relief efforts by Southern Baptists. Baptist Global Response is hoping to have an 8-member, initial assessment team on the ground today.  They will be working to assess the situation and determine an appropriate plan of response.  That process alone is expected to take 10-14… Read More

As a Christian I increasingly feel disconnected from my own culture. A brief word of explanation before I continue. The technical terminology E-1, E-2, and E-3 is used to differentiate the cultural distance across which evangelism occurs . E-1 (evangelism one) refers to monocultural evangelism. Both E-2 and E-3 involve cross-cultural evangelism, with E-3 crossing… Read More