
Message Truth:
Many of the problems facing today’s church are a result of the hidden worldviews which predominate much of our thinking. We have allowed our culture’s traditions and progress to color our interpretation of Scripture. In the early years of the Christian movement, individuals of means sold their earthly possessions and gave the proceeds to the poor as they left their homes and went to preach the gospel all across the known world at great personal cost. What prevents us from doing so today? Has the urgency of our cause lessened in these 2,000 years? No! What has changed, however, is that today we allow the hidden worldviews of materialism, individualism, and moral relativism to hinder our obedience to the Great Commission. These hidden worldviews act as a prism through which we see and understand our purpose for living on this planet.

One comment on “Hidden Worldviews, Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

  • I have had the opportunity to step back and look at things, seperately from how I was both taught, as well, as by all of the beliefs, and Ideals I once loved.

    It was frankly shocking.

    I had the spirit, show me through the scriptures.

    But how many are willing, open and humble enough to admit that the possibility, that for the bulg of their lifetime, they have lived and persued the ways, and things of this world, in direct competition with the Gospel.

    What will it take to show(or shock) others into at least considering the possibility the scriptures are both right, and not in agreement with our individual worldviews, like american nationalism, for example.

    Or is it ultimately something only the spirit can show, the blind?

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